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So, you decided to drop by my page. First and foremost thanks a lot!! I really do mean it. This is usually the spot where I tell you about myself. Like the boring things about the fact I went to Mohawk College in Hamilton Ontario, I am a single mom of two wonderful boys and that I love photography. To be honest, who wants to read that kind of spiel? 


I usually don't because they are so impresonal, drag on and make me snooze.


So here is where you get to decide whether or not you want to hire me. Here's my philosphy... Never grow up fully, live your dreams and there are no such thing as bad babies. Only silly adults trying to change them into certain ways they are not.


Kids to me are genuine, funny and the best part of humanity going. They inspire me to dream and to be curious about everything I do. Even when it means having to make fart sounds to get an eight year old boy giggling just to get a genuine feeling or reaction for a portrait.


I am one moment very professional with the parents, and the next a big encouragement of a child exploring parts of themself for a photograph.


I learned this hard lesson very quickly when having two awesome fellas. For goodness sake, I am a single mom of twins!! If I can survive them, I can survive anything.


I just often have to remind myself to not get them wet, or feed them after midnight. I will wake up to a mess of a house, and no junk food found in it's place, not even a crumb. I love my little gremlins. They are my force, my kryptonite, my everything.


Because of this, I know what it's like to get pictures done with difficult kids, and what it feels to have that good moment achieved to hang on your wall or, to give away as a present to a loved one.


I am a firm believer in the print to preserve project.


We learn so much by photographs, and keeping family history in the most simplest way is through them. They get passed down from generation, to generation. 


World war one and two photographs never had CD's or USB's, they were printed and passed on. Just think of that whenever you get photos done with me. The greatest gift ever is passing on the family story, and memories that we never forget but will have proof existed.


Just ponder that a bit.



My little Gremlins plotting evil schemes and being cheeky.

Jason Left, Jimmy on the right.

Their cheeky smiles melt my stress and depression away all the time whenever I need a boost.

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